
A Family of High-Quality Versatile Speech Generation Models


Seed Team


Abstract. We introduce Seed-TTS, a family of large-scale autoregressive text-to-speech (TTS) models capable of generating speech that is virtually indistinguishable from human speech. Seed-TTS serves as a foundation model for speech generation and excels in speech in-context learning, achieving performance in speaker similarity and naturalness that matches ground truth human speech in both objective and subjective evaluations. With fine-tuning, we achieve even higher subjective scores across these metrics. Seed-TTS offers superior controllability over various speech attributes such as emotion and is capable of generating highly expressive and diverse speech for speakers in the wild. Furthermore, we propose a self-distillation method for speech factorization, as well as a reinforcement learning approach to enhance model robustness, speaker similarity and controllability. We additionally present a non-autoregressive (NAR) variant of the Seed-TTS model, named Seed-TTSDiT, which utilizes a fully diffusion-based architecture. Unlike previous NAR-based TTS systems, Seed-TTSDiT does not depend on pre-estimated phoneme durations and performs speech generation through end-to-end processing. We demonstrate that this variant achieves comparable performance to the language model-based variant in both objective and subjective evaluations and showcase its effectiveness in speech editing.


System Overview

Figure 1. An overview of the Seed-TTS inference pipeline. (1) The speech tokenizer learns tokens from reference speech. (2) The autoregressive language model generates the speech tokens based on the condition text and speech. (3) The diffusion transformer model generates continuous speech representations given generated speech tokens in a coarse-to-fine manner. (4) The acoustic vocoder yields higher-quality speech from the diffusion output.

Zero-shot In-context Learning

Language Prompt Same Language Generation Cross-linugal Generation
I don't really care what you call me. I've been a silent spectator, watching species evolve, empires rise and fall. But always remember, I am mighty and enduring. Respect me and I'll nurture you; ignore me and you shall face the consequences.


Dealing with family secrets is never easy. Yet, sometimes, omission is a form of protection, intending to safeguard some from the harsh truths. One day, I hope you understand the reasons behind my actions. Until then, Anna, please, bear with me.


The combinations of different textures and flavors create a perfect harmony. The succulence of the steak, the tartness of the cranberries, the crunch of pine nuts, and creaminess of blue cheese make it a truly delectable delight. Enjoy your culinary adventure!


Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter beside me. I looked at them, stood up straight with high spirit, shook the slightly fleshy arms, and smiled lightly, saying, "The flesh on my body is to hide my bursting charm. Otherwise, wouldn't it scare you?"


He closed his eyes, expecting that all of this could pass. However, when he opened his eyes again, the sight in front of him made him couldn't help but take a deep breath. The closed island that appeared in the fog, strange and familiar, was full of unknown dangers. He tightened his fist, knowing that his life was about to undergo earth-shaking changes.


Suddenly, the atmosphere became gloomy. At first glance, all the troubles seemed to surround me. I frowned, feeling that pressure, but I know I can't give up, can't admit defeat. So, I took a deep breath, and the voice in my heart told me, "Anyway, must calm down and start again."

Speaker Fine-tune

Text Generated
Speaker1 好呀,哈哈哈哈哈,喜欢笑的人运气都不会差哦,希望你每天笑口常开~
Speaker2 是呀,他还想换个地球仪哈哈哈,看来给你积累了一些快乐值了,你还想不想再听一个其他的笑话呀?

Emotion Control

Emotion Text Generated
Angry 你为什么总是重复犯同样的错误?难道你就不能学习一下吗?
Happy 昨晚的电影真是太精彩了,我笑到肚子疼,还想再看一遍。
Sad 在这个熟悉的城市里,每个角落都充满了她的影子,让我无处遁形。
Tender 每一次想到你,我的心就充满了柔软的光芒,愿这份情感能够穿越时空,让你感受到我的爱和思念。
Confused 这幅画是否真的完成了?还是我应该再添加一些细节来完善它?
Fear 他对黑暗的恐惧从小就存在,即使是成年后的某些夜晚,也会感到不自在。

Speech Factorization

Zero-shot Voice Conversion

Language Source Audio Timbre Prompt Converted Audio

Preference Biasing Through Reinforcement Learning

Emotion Control in Zero-shot In-context Learning

Prompt Angry Happy Sad Surprise w/o Control

Fully Diffusion-based Speech Generation

Zero-shot TTS

Language Prompt Same Language Generation Cross-linugal Generation
I don't really care what you call me. I've been a silent spectator, watching species evolve, empires rise and fall. But always remember, I am mighty and enduring. Respect me and I'll nurture you; ignore me and you shall face the consequences.


Perhaps they are driven by the delicious blend of flavors, or it could be the appealing visual presentation. At the end of the day, our choices in food reflect our personal preferences and sometimes, even our lifestyle or belief system.


Your safety and the pack's reputation are at stake. Your bravery is admirable, but sometimes bravery is knowing when to retreat. Please, consider returning with me. We can work out a plan, but only if you're willing to listen.


Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter beside me. I looked at them, stood up straight with high spirit, shook the slightly fleshy arms, and smiled lightly, saying, "The flesh on my body is to hide my bursting charm. Otherwise, wouldn't it scare you?"


This is a strategy, and also a kind of wisdom. All changes come from the same source, as long as you grasp the current rules of the game, you can handle the whole situation. "Remember, to know the enemy's situation in advance and to understand yourself, can you achieve great achievements." I said to you seriously, hoping that you can understand this truth.


The emperor's complexion did not change, remaining as still as a sculpture, and a touch of touching warmth flashed in his eyes. He deeply glanced at the loyal minister, and finally spoke: "Well, I will consider it again." His voice was low and firm, leaving a faint hint of helplessness and tenderness in the air.

Content Editing

Language Original Text Original Audio Target Text Edited Audio
EN They can't order me to stop dreaming. If you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true. Have faith in your dreams, and someday your rainbow will come shining through. They can't require me to stop imagining. If you envision a thing more than once, it's bound to come about. Have trust in your visions, and someday your radiance will come beaming through.
Are you familiar with it? Slice the steak and place the strips on top, then garnish with the dried cranberries, pine nuts, and blue cheese. I wonder how people rationalise the decision? Are you acquainted with it? Cut the pork and place the strips on top, then garnish with the dried cherries, almonds, and feta cheese. I query how people justify the choice?
ZH 自古以来,庸君最怕党政了,可圣君他就不怕,不但不怕,反能利用。要我说,你就让明珠索额图互相争宠,只要你心里明白,左右逢源,你就能立于不败之地。 从古至今,庸君最怕朝纲了,可君他就不怕,不但不怕,反能借助。要我说,你就让李四张三互相争宠,只要你心里清楚,左右周旋,你就能于不败之
对,这就是我,万人敬仰的太乙真人,虽然有点婴儿肥,但也掩不住我逼人的帅气。 对,这就是我,众人尊崇的太白金星,虽然有点娃娃脸,但也不住我迷人魅力。

Speed Editing

Language Original Audio Speed=0.8 Speed=1.2

Model Applications

Audio Book

Text Generated
Multi-speaker “这个药丸……不会是迷药或者春药之类的东西吧?我怎么闻着香味儿和两位姐姐说的那么相似?嗯,你该不会……想对我图谋不轨吧?”韩立闻言是愣了半天呐,他现在突然有种吐血三碗的感觉,这女孩儿的心思也太难以捉摸了吧,竟然能把迎香丸,联想到春药上。哎呀韩立现在也不知是该佩服对方的谨慎小心,还是应该为自己的无故蒙冤,而大呼三声了。“看样子,你好像说的是真的。不过,我还是要把它拿去给二姐检验下才能用,毕竟我们女儿家,要小心为上。”“咳,咳,呃随便你了。”韩立无言,只能干咳几声,掩饰一下自己脸上的窘迫,他现在觉得呀,自己还是离这个小妖精远点的好,否则,不知什么时候就要被她给郁闷死了。“哼哼,不过,如果这药真像你所说的那么好用,那就算你过关啦!今后师兄在莫府有什么为难的事,尽管可以来找彩环帮忙。我只要收些小小的报酬,就肯定能帮你完全解决。”“行啊,师妹,师兄有事,一定找你帮忙。”韩立这时也恢复了常态,皮笑肉不笑地回应着此话,心里呀,却在恶狠狠地想到:“找你这个小财迷才怪了。”
Speaker1 老夫人疑惑,“娇娇,你今儿是怎么了?”平日里,她的娇娇儿和萧弈的关系也没这么好。“我……”南宝衣生怕被发现端倪,又有心提醒老夫人萧弈将来前程不可限量,于是哽咽着扑进老人怀里,“我没有爹娘疼,二哥哥也没有爹娘疼,府里的人都不搭理他,就算他在书院考了一甲也没人在意,二哥哥好可怜呜呜呜……”季嬷嬷笑道:“老奴瞧着,五小姐怕是和二公子有缘呢。”
Speaker2 我也不知是哪里来的勇气,一把抓住那放肆的手,可就在我抓住那手的瞬间,他将脸埋在我的耳边深吸一口,“别动。”“你……你到底要干什么呀?你饶了我吧,我真的错了,只要你放了我,你要我烧什么给你都行!”“你是我的女人,我只要你。”“欸哟,我给你烧蚕丝被,烧电热毯,再给你烧十个仿真娃娃,要啥明星款式都有。欸呀求求你放了我吧。”我说着都快哭了,抓着他的手也抖的厉害。哪知他听了噗嗤一笑,一口咬住我的耳珠狠狠的吮吸着,“不要再挣扎了,你生是我的妻,死是我的鬼!”

Cross-lingual Content Creation

Source Video Generated Video
(With Mouth Editing)
(With Mouth Editing)